Free Coaching Myths & Benefits Guide pdf by Andrew D Pope

This detailed and comprehensive pdf book will bust open 21 pervasive myths about coaching. It will help you select a great coach for yourself or your organisation. It will help you put money back onto the bottom-line where it belongs.

Go ahead and get your copy today.

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    21 Myths Busted

    If you are in the market for professional coaching, either for your self or your organisation, check out these common misconceptions and why you should ignore them.

    Choose the best coach for you

    This guide will help you choose a great coach for your specific requirement. Use the contents to help sell the benefits of professional coaching to sceptical decision makers.

    Add profit to your bottom line

    High quality coaching is an investment - not a cost. Happy people mean higher quality and more output. Unhappy people are costing you real money every second of every day.